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New: Anti-Slavery Reporting Template eLRT

Written by Katie Böhme | 12/01/2017

In November 2016, iPoint launched the electronic Labor Rights Template (eLRT). The free, open-access, Excel-based, business-to-business reporting tool is designed to support your company’s compliance with global human trafficking and modern-day slavery legislation. It facilitates the collection, analysis, communication, and reporting of critical anti-slavery measures through your supply and service chains in accordance with the regulatory and company-specific requirements.

eLRT is based on a set of seven recent US, EU, and UK anti-human trafficking and anti-slavery laws directed at the private sector, including the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (2010), the E.U. Non-Financial Reporting Directive (2014), and the U.K. Modern Slavery Act (2015). The legal obligations have been translated into 21 core B2B reporting indicators that you can apply to collect data on your supply and service chains and your own production sites. You can also select additional, red-flag detection indicators, drawn from numerous slavery-relevant reporting standards, tools, and frameworks. All of the indicators are structured according to the OECD’s internationally recognized five-step due diligence framework.

To ensure its sensitivity, robusticity, and responsiveness to the present reporting requirements and at-risk labor practices, eLRT has been thoroughly evaluated and tested by a multi-stakeholder forum consisting of experts and practitioners drawn from the private sector and civil society. A similarly composed steering committee ensures the quality and further development of the tool.

Free download of eLRT

The Excel-based template is available for download free of charge on the website In parallel, iPoint is developing a cloud-based eLRT module as part of its supply chain stewardship solutions portfolio with features and functionalities to automatize the collection, analysis, management, and reporting of relevant anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking data.

Your eLRT contacts at iPoint: Dr. Katie Boehme (Excel template) and Sebastian Dehlinger (cloud module).