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Together, we bring fw: transparency

Written by Daniel Maier | 10/09/2018

At iPoint,  we bring fw: transparency and places it at the forefront of everything that we do.

Digital pathfinders.

  • How to pave the way for a successful and sustainable future?

  • How to secure future generations a world worth living for?

  • Why is digitization and digital transformation the key to it?

With our new fw: transparency 2019 summit, we created a place to discuss exactly these questions together with experts from different industry sectors, thought leaders and creative innovators. The new concept of our event enables an in-depth discourse on future solutions and hands-on leadership experiences.

Two packed days of inspiration.

Find out everything about how compliance, sustainability, and data-driven supply chain management add real business value to your organization. Mingle with top-class speakers to develop ideas and solutions to the challenges we all face to pave the way for a successful and sustainable future. And discover the impact all this has on our society.

Open discourse on our future.

Join us from June 26 to June 27, 2019 to experience inspiring keynotes, breakout sessions, special trainings and workshops on already existing practical solutions and applications.

Get first-hand insights into the latest product compliance and sustainability trends as well as red-hot updates on our software solutions for the entire product life cycle.

Benefit from excellent networking opportunities during the two days and at the big evening programme.

Together, we bring fw: transparency.

> Check out the detailed agenda 2019

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