Under the slogan: “Latest Trends in Product Compliance and Sustainability – Integration as a Key to the Circular Economy” an international audience from companies like Bosch, Jaguar Land Rover, Oracle, Mahle, Preh and Nibe came together in June 2018 to exchange knowledge and get an update on the iPoint Product Roadmap. Thanks to all the participants for making the event a success!
How compliance, sustainability, and supply chain management add real business value
With his speech on the topic “One Step ahead: Business Value of the Circular Economy” Dr. Christian Kühne from the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector at the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg highlighted the iPoint Event 2018. iPoint CEO Jörg Walden opened the event and welcomed international participants to this year’s iPoint Event on June 26th in the Reutlingen City Hall (Stadthalle Reutlingen).
The event pursued the question how compliance, sustainability, and supply chain management add real business value. Additionally, the Product Managers provided updates on iPoint software solutions for the entire product life cycle and presented the roadmap and direction of iPoint’s future solutions.
fw: transparency 2019 – Save the date
We are happy to announce our 2019 Event under the new title fw: transparency on 26th and 27th of June. fw: transparency will again take place in the Reutlingen, Germany and follow up on this year’s success.
What’s new?
We need more time! That was the feedback we received from many participants this year. We heard the message and will extend next years event to two days: The first day will address topics around sustainability and compliance, day two will focus on iPoints products and solutions. We are looking fw: to two packed days full of workshops, presentations, panels, working groups and a lot of excellent networking opportunities during the evening programme.
Hope to see you in June 2019!