How to successfully market your products worldwide – faster

How to successfully market your products worldwide – faster

To speed up the development of new products companies need to evaluate data on products, materials and substances thoroughly and transforms them into insights.
What do engineers have to say? Supervisors? Toxicologists? HSE Managers? Environmental Experts?

In over two decades working with manufacturing companies that are managing 1,000 or more products and materials we at iPoint have learned a great deal – and identified key complexities, inefficiencies and risks associated with not having a dedicated approval system.

iPoint Approval – Safe products, safe production

iPoint’s new software solution to automate the approval review is extremely cost effective, increases your efficiency, saves time and reduces risks. It ensures that businesses are able to successfully market their products worldwide – now and in future.

What’s in it for you?

• Get exclusive insights – Discover how we’ve helped one of the world’s largest automotive companies to simplify and completely systemize their product, material and substance approval process.

• Unlock Saving Potentials – Learn how to save up to 50% of working time compared to your competitors through simplification, automation, increase in speed, efficiency and accuracy of the process .

• Communicate & Collaborate – Capture everyone that needs to participate in the process – From the shop floor to top management, across roles, departments, sites, countries and continents – all to ensure seamless and collaborative process, company wide.

Daniel Maier

Daniel Maier

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