Shifting Gears for a Sustainable Future: A Financial Commitment to Compliance and Eco-Friendly Practices

Shifting Gears for a Sustainable Future: A Financial Commitment to Compliance and Eco-Friendly Practices

Our annual Automotive Trend Survey captures the insights of compliance and sustainability experts from across the industry and reveals four key findings that are driving the future of automotive sustainability. As sustainability moves from an aspiration to an imperative in the automotive industry, it is critical to understand the current trends. 

Increasing Investments in Compliance and Sustainability

Outlook of sustainability and compliance spending

A significant shift is observed within the automotive industry, with 50% of medium and large-sized automotive companies planning to amplify their investments in both compliance and sustainability initiatives. This strategic pivot highlights a proactive approach towards meeting the growing demands for environmental stewardship and regulatory adherence.

Trends Among Smaller Businesses

While larger players show a robust inclination towards increased spending, about a third of smaller businesses also align with this trend. This signals an industry-wide acknowledgment of the criticality of sustainable practices. However, 58% of small businesses and 70% of small enterprises anticipate maintaining their current level of investment, suggesting a cautious yet steady commitment to sustainability and compliance. Notably, only 3% of respondents foresee a reduction in their sustainability and compliance budgets, underscoring the automotive sector’s overwhelming consensus on the importance of these initiatives for future success.

Embracing Sustainability and Compliance

The automotive industry is on a clear trajectory towards embracing sustainability as a pivotal component of their operational ethos, alongside traditional product compliance. This collective shift, predominantly led by the financial commitments of medium and large-sized companies, mirrors a broader recognition of the need to adapt to both regulatory pressures and the global call for environmental responsibility. This strategic emphasis on sustainability and compliance investments not only reflects a commitment to global stewardship but also positions these companies at the forefront of innovation and market competitiveness.

Simplifying Compliance and Sustainability

At iPoint, we understand the challenges that come with these evolving expectations. Our software solutions are designed to simplify compliance and sustainability for companies, enabling them to navigate these demands with ease. By leveraging our tools, businesses can ensure they meet regulatory requirements and address customer concerns effectively.

To iPoint Product Sustainability Automotive


About the Study

For the past six years, the iPoint Compliance & Sustainability Trend Survey has been a valuable resource for the industry. Conducted in collaboration with the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sustainable Product Management at the Universität Graz, the survey gathers insights from a broad spectrum of industry stakeholders. In 2023, it garnered an impressive 675 responses, making it one of the largest global surveys in this field.

Looking Ahead

This is just the beginning. Over the coming weeks, we will share more insights from our study, providing a comprehensive view of the trends shaping the future of automotive compliance and sustainability. Stay tuned for more updates!

Can't Wait for It? 

Read Our Automotive Trend Study Here


Linda Di Gianvittorio

Linda Di Gianvittorio

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